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Competence Framework for Sustainability in the Built Environment Launched 27th February 2025

Achieving a sustainable built environment—covering buildings, infrastructure, and external works—is essential to addressing climate and biodiversity challenges while meeting national and international commitments. The sector must collaborate to drive transformation in building safety and develop interlocking competencies across all disciplines based on a shared understanding.

To support this, the Edge and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) have jointly published the ‘Competence Framework for Sustainability in the Built Environment’, a foundation for discipline-specific sustainability competencies. Drafted as a Seed Document for a future British Standard in the BSI’s Competence in the Built Environment series, it builds on BS 8670: Part 1 (Competence for Building Safety, 2024). Developed under Workstream 10 of CIC’s Climate Action Plan, the framework was coordinated by the Edge, with support from UCEM, through extensive cross-sector consultation.

The framework aims to:
a) Establish core sustainability criteria,
b) Enable sector-specific competence frameworks, and
c) Promote a consistent approach across the built environment.

Designed for clients, professionals, contractors, manufacturers, and regulators, the framework defines sustainability through five core criteria: Potential (natural systems, resources, energy, and social impact); People (education, behaviour, and teamwork); Process (finance, risk, and technology); Projects (land use, infrastructure, and buildings); and Performance (monitoring, resilience, and emergency response). It also sets out five competence stages: Recognise, Analyse, Apply, Achieve, and Advance.

A free webinar presenting the Framework is being held on Wednesday 12 March at 1pm, you can register to attend here.

the Edge has programmed 9 public debates at this year’s Futurebuild conference

  • Day One - 4th March: Putting circularity at the heart of what we all do

    • Edge Debate 174 - The government is promoting the circular economy – how far can we go?

    • Edge Debate 175 - How the circular economy and degrowth can avoid catastrophic tipping points

    • Edge Debate 176 - Design for reuse for resource resilience and a circular economy

  • Day Two - 5th March: Sustainability, social justice and transition

    • Edge Debate 177 - Tackling the polycrisis – can we fix housing, climate, nature and health?

    • Edge Debate 178 - 10 years on from their adoption to deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, what is our progress and how is the industry responding to its responsibilities to do this for greater equality for all?

    • Edge Debate 179 - Putting land use at the heart of our decision making

    • Edge Debate 180 - We, the housebuilders, will provide the quality, affordable, net zero carbon, healthy homes in well-connected places that work for people of all ages.

  • Day Three - 6th March: Making it happen

    • Edge Debate 181 - What should the New Towns Taskforce consider to deliver the best outcomes?

    • Edge Debate 182 - Looking back, looking forward – are we doing enough?

the 2025 Futurebuild programme for the 4th, 5th and 6th march has been published

the Edge has again programmed the Futurebuild conference at the Excel Centre

  • Day one - 4th March: Putting circularity at the heart of what we all do

  • Day two - 5th March: Sustainability, social justice and transition

  • Day three - 6th March: Making it happen

the Edge has edited the January 27th 2025 Futurebuild newsletter

in advance of the Futurebuild Conference we have programmed March 4-6th


the Edge responded to two consultations in December 2024:

  • The Architects Registration Board’s consultation on their proposals for a revised Architects Code of Conduct and Practice; and

  • The Environmental Audit Committee’s Environmental sustainability and housing growth inquiry


the Edge has responded to the MHCLG’s consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework - 22nd September 2024

While applauding the ministerial team’s determination to deal with the nation’s pressing housing issues without delay and the pragmatic approach to approaching practical problems within the planning system the Edge believes that the proposals lack ambition towards a number of fundamental, but equally urgent issues, including the unavoidable responsibility to tackle the crises in the climate, nature, and national health and wellbeing . We make a number of recommendations.

the Edge has published the Consultation Draft of ‘Competence frameworks for the built environment – Core criteria for sustainability competence – Code of practice’ - 12th september 2024

Working with Workstream 10 of the CIC’s Climate Change Committee, the support of the University College for Estate Management (UCEM) and an industry-wide Advisory Panel, the Edge has developed a draft Competence Framework for sustainability in the built environment. The Framework is a Seed Document for an eventual British Standard intended to form part of its BS 8670 Competence series and is being published for public consultation and comment.

The Standard covers all aspects of sustainability for built environment and infrastructure provision, including associated external and landscape works, for the full breadth of professions and trades in the sector. It is an overarching framework for the development of discipline-specific competency frameworks.

From our friends - Wales Net Zero2035

The report - Pathways to a Prosperous and Resilient Wales will be published on 16th September 2024 - see https://netzero2035.wales/

Former Deputy London Mayor and member of the Edge, NIcky Gavron, dies 30th August 2024

Nicky became a Labour Councillor in Haringey in 1986 , led the London Planning Advisory Committee from 1994 and was elected onto the London Assembly in 2000, only stepping down in 2021. She tirelessly championed a wide range of activities from community initiatives in Haringey to the international C40 Cities group. Her many campaigns topics included climate change, the place of children in cities and regreening the environment, but, above all, making sure that the planning system worked for both people and planet.

Nicky joined the Edge following her retirement from front-line politics, having been a longstanding and important supporter and touchstone for us, always with huge enthusiasm for what we were trying to do. We were really pleased when she decided to join us and engage directly in developing our thinking and planning our events. We last saw her in person at the Land Use Framework Roundtable on July the 11th, at which we spoke as forcefully and incisively as ever.

We have a great deal to be grateful to her for.

See Tony Travers’ Obituary in the Guardian and a tribute article in Building

the Edge has Guest edited Futurebuild News

(4-6th March 2024)

with articles on Five initiatives to achieve major change for people and the environment, climate change and nature recovery, BNG lessons, Labour’s planning reforms and how the circular economy can unlock prosperity

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the Edge biannual report

the Edge has published a report on its activities over the last two years - from July 2021 to July 2023

Download here


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