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Education for Change workshops (Edge Debates 167-170)

the Edge has been running a series of workshop discussions on undergraduate education for built and natural environment professionals asking the question whether we need to reform education in the face of teh climate and nature emergencies.

Education Roundtable (Edge Debate 167) - 6th July 2023

A Roundtable discussion about undergraduate education for built environment professionals


Education Roundtable Agenda 060723

Workshop 1 (Edge Debate 168) - 13th february 2024

Students/Recent Graduates and Industry – What is needed?


E4C-Workshop 1 Talking points E4C Workshop 1 - Notes

Workshop 2 (Edge Debate 169) - 21st March 2024

Universities – How can Universities provide those needs?


E4C Workshop 2 - Notes

Workshop 3 (Edge Debate 170) - 25th April 2024

Accreditation bodies/Professional Institutions – What should the requirements be that satisfy those needs?

E4C Workshop 3 - Agenda + Propositions E4C Particpants biographies E4C Workshop 3 - meeting notes