Edge Events

6:00 PM18:00

Edge Debate #12 - The Hawley Review: What does it offer construction?

The Hawley Review is the hot topic of the moment. It offers a vision (www.engc.org.uk) for what engineering needs to be in the future, and under its banner, work has already begun to reshape the Engineering Council. All this has big implications for the construction industry.

The discussion took the form of invited speakers each presenting short summaries of papers that were circulated. Malcolm Shirley, Director General of the Engineering Council, chaired the event.

Paper 1: The Hawley Review: what does it offer construction - cart or horse?

Dr Mike Sanderson, Chief Executive, EMTA

Paper 2: The Hawley Review: what does it offer construction - cart or horse?

Michael Dickson, Chairman, CIC, and Senior Partner, Buro Happold

Paper 3:

Prof Max Fordham, CIBSE Senior Vice President, and Senior Partner, Max Fordham Partners

Action points generated on the night

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