Edge Events

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Edge Debate #39 - Engineering the road to Copenhagen

A discussion held on the Eve of COP15 Copenhagen at the Residence of the Danish Ambassador where notable commentators shared their views on its challenges, its possible outcomes and whether no agreement would be better than a bad agreement.

COP15 Copenhagen

COP15 Copenhagen

The debate was chaired by Isabel Hilton of China Dialogue, a web-based bilingual ideas exchange between China and the English-speaking world with much focus on engineering and sustainability.

Our speakers were:

H.E. Birger Riis-Jorgensen – the Danish Ambassador and our Host

Anders Hasselager – Danish Energy Agency; who had been closely involved in the preparations for COP15.

Colin Challen MP - Chair: All Party Climate Change Group and author of books on climate change politics

Jeremy Leggett - Chairman Solar Century, author and social entrepreneur

Alison Cooke – Cooke Associates; Chair of IMechE Future Climate Steering Group and Co-author of “Future Climate - the IMechE UK Energy Plan for 2050”

Debate 39 - Report (doc)

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