Edge Events

6:00 AM06:00

Edge Debate #6 The Good Institution(s)

Perceptions vary as to the purpose of the construction institutions. The sixth Edge debate explored the institutions’ roles and focus on how they can best adapt to serve their members and the public in the future.

As before, the discussion took form of invited speakers each presenting short summaries of papers that were circulated. The discussion was chaired by Ricky Burdett, Director, City Policy, Architecture & Engineering at the London School of Economics.

The debate involved a small invited audience of 50 clients, architects, engineers, researchers, activists, civil servants, European commercial attachés, politicians and specialist journalists. The following points were made in the debate.

Paper 1:

John Hobson, Director, Construction Directorate, DETR

Paper 2: Reflections on the Future of Institutions

Alexander Reid, Director General, RIBA

Paper 3: Passing Knowledge Across Barriers

Peter Rogers MICE, Director Stanhope Properties

Action points arising from the debate.

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6:00 AM06:00

Edge Debate #5 Sustainability: the Carrot or the Stick

This is the point when we re-invented our formula and went for shorter presentations, longer discussion and drastically tighter lead times. We also tried to capture the essence of the comments from the audience. The debate was a key one — change involves compulsion and reward and we have been living with it, in one form or another, ever since.

The discussion was chaired by Andy Parker, Head of Mechanical Services, Amec Design.

The debate involved a small invited audience of 50 clients, architects, engineers, researchers, activists, civil servants, European commercial attachés, politicians and specialist journalists. The following points were raised at the debate.

Paper 1: Carrot or the Stick

Lord Ezra - Chairman, Energy and Technical Services

Paper 2: Building Services in the Greenhouse spotlight

Dr David Fisk, Chief Scientist, DETR

Paper 3: Solar PV and the Built Environment: Environmental expediency, UK competitiveness and the problems/opportunities of the deregulated market

Dr Jeremy Leggett, Chief Executive, The SolarCentury


Action points arising

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