Debate #5 - Action Points
Debate 5 - Action Points
The following points were made in discussion by members of the audience, invited to the 5th Edge Debate. They are not necessarily the views of the Edge Committee or any of the participating institutions or organisations. They are simply a record, in summary, of what was said.
The Edge Committee to disseminate the following actions to the Press, the Institutions and the Government.
Encourage employers to purchase energy/energy saving on behalf of employees
Focus on existing stock/domestic sector
Return to previous levels of expenditure and direct to existing stock
Low interest loans/cash-backs/domestic sector
Onerous energy targets (kWh/year/sq m) in Building Regs
Ambitious national strategy for existing stock (SAP 60?) – focus energy service companies /neighbourhood
Burnett Bill
School initiatives - savings of 10% for £50/Neighbourhood Engineers. All have sectors of community we can influence
Invest savings in school PV
Hearts and mind exercise not economic argument
Requirement on resale of houses to upgrade stock
Distinction between domestic and industrial sector
Lobby for the RECs to invest in the KWh that is not used. Gov’t intend to improve on this?
Campaign for companies to produce annual energy/environment audits and encourage to take 10-year view (not 2-year view)
Train the people to use the technology that already exists/energy efficiently/immediate payback periods
Client pull
Institutions to endorse seriously of situation to obliged members on course of action
Benchmarking/ range of handholds
Re-present In Trust for Tomorrow/radical programme for existing stock
Lobbying against a/c (smoking parallels?)
Designing to targets?
Cheaper training courses
Practical and phased timing towards energy targets (Part L)/incentives and tax breaks for low energy design
Dysfunctional buildings vs dysfunctional occupancy
Lobby gov’t to formulate regs/energy utilisation to apply to existing stock when its systems are replaced
Variety of other means to target existing buildings/training
How can this sector make tradable permits work
Fabric investment programme/lever for money to be invested
Innovative tariff structures
Incentives for energy targets/pump priming
LBL/70 ways reducing building insurance/Electro-finance
Focus on consultation paper(s)
Equal pain across all sectors